
Enrolments for 2025
If you are interested in enrolling your child to start at Barrawang Primary School in 2025, please fill out the Expression of Interest form.
Once you have filled in your details, and we have confirmed you reside within our school zone, our administration staff will contact you with information about how to obtain an official enrolment form.
Enrolments for 2026
Enrolments for 2026 will begin in term 2
Tours will also be in term 2

Our School Zone
Thank you for showing interest in enrolling in Barrawang Primary School.
Our school zone is available on findmyschool.vic.gov.au which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.
Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school, which is determined based on your permanent residential address.
Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.
For more information, you can:
visit School zones for answers to frequently asked questions
If you reside within our school zone and are wanting to enrol please fill out the expression of interest link above, once we confirm your address and enrolment form will be made available to you.
You will also need to provide the following documents:
Proof of Birth (birth certificate or passport) - Passport (if child was born overseas)
School Entry Medicare Immunisation certificate
Proof of Address - see the 100-point residential address checklist for your list of options​​

Buddy Program
Barrawang Primary School has a Buddy Program which helps to make the transition to primary school a positive experience for your child.
Your child will meet their buddies at the start of term 1.
The Foundation students see their buddies for a group activity in their learning space each week.
Benefits of the Foundation Buddy Program include:
Foundation students having another positive role model within the school
Foundation students having someone to go to if they have a concern in the yard
Foundation and Year 6 students developing new and positive relationships
Senior students taking on additional responsibilities
Senior students learning how to be a positive role model for other students

Advice for Parents and Carers
The Department of Education and Training has developed a specific area of their website that provides parents and carers with hints, tips and advice about their child's first year of school. Topics include preparing for school, what to expect during the first weeks of school, what they learn, how children learn, healthy eating, the importance of play and tips for dealing with the school holidays. To explore this info, please visit: Starting Primary School Guide.
Note that you do not need to ‘teach’ your child things before school. However, there are things that your child can practise at home.
Developing independence
Opening and closing their lunch box and drink bottle.
Identifying what food is for morning tea and lunch.
Using the toilet and washing and drying their hands.
Identifying their written name.
Taking off and putting on their jumper.
Packing and unpacking their bag.
Tying shoelaces.
Developing social skills
Sharing and taking turns
Taking care of their own and others’ things
Showing resilience
Making good choices
Following rules and instructions
Developing literacy skills
Try to make a regular time to read every day with your child.
Talk about what you are reading with your child.
Try to establish reading as part of your child’s regular after school routine.
Model reading. Your child is more likely to read if they see you do it.
Play games which help your child become familiar with letter names and sounds.
Identify letters and words in your environment.
Provide opportunities for your child to practise writing, drawing, colouring and cutting to help develop their fine motor skills.
Developing numeracy skills
Practise counting objects in their environment e.g. toys as they are tidying up.
Practise writing numbers together to 10.
Find and read numbers in their environment e.g. on letterboxes.
Name the days of the week. e.g. “On Monday you have swimming.”
Look at a calendar and talk about when special events are held.
Where possible, involve your child in some basic cooking and talk about the measurements as you go through the recipe.

Foundation Entry Assessment
Entry Assessment tasks are designed to assist our Foundation teachers to gather information about your child’s understanding of literacy and numeracy. This information will help the teacher to cater for the individual needs of your child and to ensure that starting school is a rewarding experience.
Our Foundation students have the first 5 Wednesday’s of term 1 at home to allow these assessments to take place. Each Foundation student is allocated 1 hour with their community teacher on one of the Wednesday’s to complete the entry assessment.
The results provide a ‘snapshot’ of your child’s performance and are used solely for the purpose of planning your child’s teaching and learning programs. The results will be shared with families at the conclusion of the 5-week period.